Items commonly needed to prepare Business Tax Returns (Schedule C):
(if date falls on weekend or holiday, deadline is next business day)
Due to COVID-19 safety regulations, please drop off the completed questionnaireat least 10 business days PRIOR to your appointment, along with any of the commonly needed items (see list below).
To help us provide the most streamlined process for you, click here to complete or download our tax preparation QUESTIONNAIRE.
All forms 1095-A, B and C as proof of health insurance coverage.
Current driver's license (for you & spouse, if married)
Copies of all social security cards (if new client)
W-2's and 1099's
Interest income
1098-T's required for qualified higher education expenses
1099-SA and 5498-SA if you participate in a Health Savings Account
Tax reporting statements from brokerage accounts
Tax reporting statements from retirement accounts
Information regarding any other income
Medical and dental expenses (if substantial)
Real estate taxes
Car tag receipts (ad valorem taxes)
Mortgage interest statements
Receipts for charitable donations, both cash and non-cash
Receipts of purchases for which AL sales tax needs to be paid (i.e. online or out-of-state catalog purchases)
Day care expenses, addresses and tax identification numbers
Last year's tax returns (if new client)
Social security numbers and date of birth for your spouse and all dependents (if new client)